As a complement to my previous posts on beauty photography (part 1, part 2), I thought I'd further elaborate by going over a real life example from a shoot I did last week. This one is also made a little bit more interesting by virtue of the fact that I got to work with a dark skin model, which has subtle impacts on both the lighting and retouching processes.
Tags archives: toronto
Long Exposure Panorama Techniques – Part 2
As an extension of our previous long exposure panorama techniques article where we took a more unique approach to overcoming some of the challenges that exist, here we'll talk about the more traditional method and how to mitigate some of the problems you'll face.
As mentioned in part 1, long exposure panoramas pose a unique set of challenges, particularly when [...]
Long Exposure Panorama Techniques - Part 1
Lately I've been shooting a lot of panoramas - particularly in a 2:1 ratio - for several reasons:
They look great printed and offer a resolution that can print at a massive scale
They look great online
They offer something a little bit different from the norm
Those of you that have been following me and my blog for some time, no doubt know how much I al[...]
Architecture Photography in Toronto - Exteriors
If you're visiting Toronto with a plan in mind to take some Architecture or Cityscape type shots, there's certainly no shortage of spots to keep you occupied. Given that we're located in the Toronto area, I've done my fair share of exploration of various parts of the city and taken lots of photos along the way. This post will therefore cover some of the my favourite a[...]