Category archives: photoshop

Long Exposure Panorama Techniques – Part 2

As an extension of our previous long exposure panorama techniques article where we took a more unique approach to overcoming some of the challenges that exist, here we'll talk about the more traditional method and how to mitigate some of the problems you'll face. As mentioned in part 1, long exposure panoramas pose a unique set of challenges, particularly when [...]

Using Lab Mode to Change Colour and Contrast in Photoshop

In this video tutorial I'll show you how you can use Lab color mode in Photoshop to quickly, easily and drastically change the color and contrast in your images and really make them pop. First off a big thanks to my friend Nagesh Mahadev for letting me demo these techniques one one of his amazing images. Be sure to check out his work on his 500px page and his Faceb[...]

Removing Complex Objects from Photos in Photoshop

In this video tutorial we will take an in depth look at a number of post processing and in-camera techniques that you can use to remove challenging, unwanted objects or obstructions from your images. The below image is an example of where we're starting and where we end up. In order to provide you with the opportunity to try the techniques out yourself, I have [...]

Natural Outdoor Portrait Retouching Tutorial

This is the second in a two part tutorial on retouching outdoor portraits and retaining a natural look using Adobe Photoshop. In the first part we looked at fixing hair and making the skin look great using frequency separation and dodging and burning. In this part we will be finishing the image with sharpening, toning, refining details like the eyes and hair as we[...]

Natural Outdoor Portrait Retouching Tutorial

This video is the first in a two part tutorial on retouching outdoor portraits and retaining a natural look using Adobe Photoshop. In this first part we will focus on fixing hair and making the skin look great using frequency separation and dodging and burning. Part 2 will look at sharpening, toning, refining details like the eyes and hair as well as adding some s[...]

Fine Art Architecture Processing in Photoshop

In this week's video tutorial we'll look at creating dramatic, contrasty, fine art black and white architecture images using Adobe Photoshop and Nik Silver Efex. Having Nik Silver Efex isn't necessary as the bulk of our work revolves around Photoshop, but I cover it here because I consider it to be the best tool for creating black and white images. In the tutorial [...]